Making a Will is a sensible approach to organising your affairs and something that almost everyone should…

Following consultation, the government has announced that from 15 March 2022, the requirement for mandatory…

Following consultation, the government has now announced that all frontline health and social care workers…

Since the start of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) Pandemic we have been contacted by many employers to ask…

The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (“CIGA 2020”) introduced temporary measures which were…

From 15 September 2021, for a temporary period, people working or volunteering in care homes who have…

Laura Brown, Director in the employment team, comments on the recent Employment Tribunal decision (Mhindurwa…

The change in self-isolation rules coincides with the expiry of the exemption of self-isolation rules…

Care homes will need to keep vaccination records of staff and those entering the care home to demonstrate…

Covid-19 has challenged us to create better and more flexible contract mechanisms to deal with the greater…

With a variety of organisations (including Waterstones, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and TFL) now requiring face…

With a variety of organisations (including Waterstones, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and TFL) now announcing that…

Landlords (and their solicitors) have been eagerly awaiting news of whether the Government will ease…

The coronavirus pandemic has revolutionised the way we work. Boris told us to work from home and we…

Last summer, I wrote an article entitled “Green Shoots of Confidence”, as we as a nation began to ease…

The Chancellor announced an extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) in today’s Budget…

Whilst 2020 may have seemed completely unpredictable, and 2021 is looking no different, there are some…

Although we do now have some light at the end of the tunnel following the Government’s announcement…

In a recent decision (Kubilius v Kent Foods Ltd), the Employment Tribunal found that Kent Foods’ dismissal…

Howes Percival is urging companies to consider the risks of adopting a blanket ‘no jab, no job’ employment…

In this blog, Carl Mifflin, Head of Restructuring and Insolvency at Howes Percival, examines how investment…

Haydon Simmonds and Jahid Ali, banking and finance and corporate partners at Howes Percival consider…

The Government has recently announced that it is consulting on proposed reforms to non-compete restrictive…

Most of us will be glad to see the back of 2020. Nevertheless, 2021 looks set to be another year which…

There are few businesses that have not been adversely affected by the pandemic, which has resulted in…

The latest lockdown sees the UK placed under the most restrictive measures which, sadly, will affect…

Today, the Chancellor announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) will remain open…

In early March 2020, nobody could have anticipated the impact the COVID pandemic would have on the UK…

Regulatory expert, Alan Millband discusses a recent Supreme Court decision which has lowered the standard…

As the restrictions imposed on everyday life in response to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve,…

Further updates to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) guidance were published on 19 November…

Updates to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) guidance and a corresponding Treasury Direction…

Updated guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) was published on 10 November 2020.…

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 31 October 2020, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme…

Family law expert, Alishia Marrocco, looks at the challenges faced by separated parents at Christmas…

On 22 October 2020, Rishi Sunak announced an increase in government contributions for the Job Support…

On 9 October 2020, Rishi Sunak announced an extended Job Support Scheme (“JSS”) for businesses, which…

The Chancellor announced the Job Retention Bonus (“JRB”) as part of his ‘Plan for Jobs’ in July 2020.…

On 22 September 2020 the Prime Minister announced additional restrictions in response to increasing…

There are few businesses that have not been adversely affected by the pandemic, which has resulted in…

The Chancellor announced a new Job Support Scheme (“JSS”), which is to run from November 2020 for 6…

On 22 September the government announced further national measures to try to control the escalating…

Amy Walpole considers the impact of redundancy on financial settlements within Divorce settlements.

The Government have introduced the Coronavirus, Calculation of a Week’s pay Regulations 2020 effective…

Family law partner, Justine Flack discusses how the coronavirus pandemic may affect property in divorce…

On Saturday 25 July 2020 the UK Government announced (with less than 6 hours’ notice) that people arriving…

The UK Government announced a plan to avoid mass redundancies through the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic…

HMRC have announced legislative measures designed to help individuals participating in an enterprise…

Caroline Illing, associate in the employment team at Howes Percival, explains the legality of using…

Following a series of requests to HMRC to clarify the position on notice periods the government guidance…

Carl Mifflin, Partner and Head of Restructuring and Insolvency at Howes Percival, considers the challenges…

The Eat Out to Help Out registration page went live on the Government's website this morning, meaning…

Boris Johnson has announced what the Government has described as “the most radical reforms to our planning…

Family law partner, Justine Flack discusses how family businesses may be valued in the wake of coronavirus…

Specialist planning and licensing solicitor, Jamie Childs, looks at the implications of the Business…

In such uncertain times as these, it is more important than ever to make sure that as many people as…

Further to the Chancellor’s announcement on 29 May 2020, the guidance to the Coronavirus Job Retention…

As the three-month block on the repossession of commercial leases for non-payment of rent ends on 30…

The Chancellor recently announced that those returning from parental leave in the coming months will…

On the 28 May 2020 the Statutory Sick Pay Regulations were amended. It added to the list of people deemed…

Family law partner, Justine Flack looks at the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on divorce settlements…

Family law expert, Justine Flack discusses whether divorce is still possible during lockdown and what…

The Government has published guidance covering how holiday entitlement and pay operate during the coronavirus…

On 10 May, Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the UK to set out his, and the Government’s vision,…

Following the Government’s announcement on Sunday outlining the recovery strategy for the UK, further…

Whilst COVID-19 has affected businesses across the board, it is unfortunately likely to have a disproportionately…

ACAS has now published guidance on conducting disciplinary and grievance procedures during the coronavirus…

Health and safety risk management issues employers may need to consider when the lockdown ends.

Making plans, setting goals and aspirations for family’s future can often need time to grow and develop.…

Employers - one of the biggest health and safety risks of Covid-19 is making you neglect other health…

Following on from our previous updates on the effect of the Government’s furlough scheme (the “Scheme”)…

Over the Easter weekend, respirator manufacturer ‘3M’ filed a claim against New Jersey based Company…

Family law partner, Justine Flack discusses the impact of bankruptcy on divorce settlements and family…

On the eve of the Easter weekend, 9 April 2020, the Government published updated guidance in relation…

The Coronavirus Act 2020 has now come into force which introduces a number of immediate emergency measures…

Howes Percival’s planning team looks at the implications of the pandemic on housing land supply and…

Howes Percival’s planning team comment on the recent developments arising in the sphere of planning…

In this note, Satnam Chayra and Hope Wilson provide a check list of matters the parties ought to consider…

The Government introduced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme on 20 March 2020 (the “Scheme”). The…

An amendment has been made to the Working Time Regulations allowing workers to carry over some of their…

On Saturday 28 March 2020, Alok Sharma, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy,…

The coronavirus outbreak and restrictions put in place to combat it, have meant that it is impossible…

Partner and family law expert, Justine Flack gives some key considerations for those receiving or paying…

If you have been appointed as someone’s Attorney or Deputy, your role will continue despite the unprecedented…

It is hard to think of a business which is not currently feeling the effects of COVID-19. Unfortunately,…

On 16 March 2020, the Government advised all those who can work from home, to do so. Responsible employers…

Commercial Landlord? Business Tenant? If you are either of these, you are going to be worried about…

The impact of coronavirus on company cash flows is extreme. With the increased restrictions on movement…

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses have been doing their best to keep operational. Although…

That is the question. Soon after Boris Johnson’s announcement that all non-essential work should stop,…

The outbreak of coronavirus is causing major disruption to many individuals and businesses. In this…

We understand that for many the rapidly changing situation will be causing considerable concern for…

These are unprecedented and challenging times for the owners and operators of licensed premises. Howes…

The COVID-19 virus will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the construction industry, given its…

On Wednesday 18 March 2020, the UK Government announced that it will be introducing emergency legislation…

Yesterday the government published guidance on maintaining educational provision for key workers who…

The COVID-19 virus is impacting on pretty much everything at the moment, and this includes corporate…

The current climate has left landlords and tenants alike wondering how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect…

On 17 March 2020, the Chancellor announced “unprecedented” levels of fiscal support to assist businesses…

If you think COVID-19 is likely to affect a party’s ability to perform a contract, what can you do?…

Consequences for those raising prices unfairly during the Covid-19 pandemic? This article looks at the…

First it was the ‘B’ word, now it is the dreaded ‘C’ word. The widespread impacts of COVID-19 on supply…

Sophie Key considers the impact of Coronavirus on financial settlements ordered by the Financial Remedies…

Laura Clay-Harris explores the issues faced by separated parents during the Coronavirus pandemic and…

COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on many businesses. The state of affairs unfolding in relation to…

Employment law expert, Alex Payton discusses some key considerations for directors, business owners…

COVID-19 and Leisure & Tourism - what are my rights when it comes to employees and customers?

COVID-19 and retail premises – what are my rights as a business when it comes to employees and customers?
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